Saturday, January 21, 2012

Great day on the Bay and Sailing with Real Sailors in a Regatta

We had seen there was a regatta going on in the bay and when we left the marina, we spotted them out in the distance. We sailed out to see what the hubbub was and decided it would be fitting to join them. Being the courteous sailors we are, we decided to stay clear of them as they rounded their mark and sailed about a 1/4 mile away from them. One boat on a port tack cut in front of our starboard tack and was kind enough to tell Lisa that she needs to "stay your course." We actually ducked behind the guy because I don't think he realized that we were doing about 6 knots compared to his 3 or 4 and we were close to ramming him.

He continued on his way and we did a tack after he was a good piece in front of us. We shortly passed the entire fleet as we got up around 7.5 knots in about a 12 knot wind. Not too shabby as we were at about 60 degrees to the wind and we weren't trying.

All in all, it was a successful day sailing. And then the docking. Little problem with the docking as the wind was on our aft starboard side and blew us into the boat next to ours. I managed to fend it off and Lisa was kind enough to give me some tips on what I should do next time in a similar situation. We now have a new plan involving a spring line that we will try so we don't have that happen again. 3Sum is fairly light and gets blown a bit more than a monohull in situations like that.

3Sum sails much better on Tampa Bay than it ever did on Lake Minnetonka. I don't know if it is because of the conditions or some of the work I put into her this summer.

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