Showing posts with label Leone's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leone's. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sailing Tampa Bay with the Leone's, Sean and Mattie. Then Added the Lewis' for Lunch

Some boat sailing by us.

Rose Leone at the helm

Rose still at the helm.

Jen, Sean and Mark. I wanted Sean to stay in the car, but they were afraid I would get reported for leaving a Martinson in the car unattended with the windows rolled up. Being the kind guy I am, we kept him hydrated with Coronas. 

Mark in charge.  
Lunchtime panorama.

Morphed pic of Rose ad Mark. 

After a couple cool ones, the Lewis' clan head out. Ozzie was making sure there were no icebergs.

Saturday started out with little wind and I was hoping we weren't going to have to drop the iron genny, but the winds picked up to about 18 and we had a great ride. 3SUM sailed great with no major problems except me bringing her in and wanting to show Mark what the dock looked like quickly and up close. No major damage. I need a new system for bringing her in. We have 4 foot finger piers and with a strong wind on the starboard stern and nothing to really keep her from moving about, it is quite difficult to get her in. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lisa's Pics

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Picture Lisa took with her cell phone. Not the boat to the right. That is their boat. Rose is holding our token new boat/easter basket and Mark is carrying his lucky can of pineapple juice. 

the leones and their new ride

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Kind of neat seeing a picture of a cool couple on their first leg of their dream. 

a big s trimaran

Published with mernaucoid-electron-droid v2.0.4

This trimaran was just down the dock from the Leone's Island Packet. I believe it is a Cross Trimaran and about 27 feet wide and 47 feet long. Some guy was living aboard it and had his hatch opened and it looked like a dorm room inside with a couch and full size regular bed and big screen TV. I wonder if he takes it out much? I think this would be a bit much to single hand but Donald Crowhurst almost sailed around the world with a tri, but his was a 40 foot, the Teignmouth Electron

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fort Pierce to the Bahamas

The Leone's just need to get up early, motor out and get a nice northwesterly blow and get across the gulfstream. At 5 knots, it would only take them about 20 hours.