Showing posts with label St. Pete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Pete. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015 Sail on Tampa Bay

Our new vid from our sail over the weekend. It was HOT!! Lots of chop and not much wind. We were lazy hence the topping lift and lazy jacks still attached. The music is cheesy, but it isn't copyrighted, so that is a good thing. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sailing Tampa Bay with the Leone's, Sean and Mattie. Then Added the Lewis' for Lunch

Some boat sailing by us.

Rose Leone at the helm

Rose still at the helm.

Jen, Sean and Mark. I wanted Sean to stay in the car, but they were afraid I would get reported for leaving a Martinson in the car unattended with the windows rolled up. Being the kind guy I am, we kept him hydrated with Coronas. 

Mark in charge.  
Lunchtime panorama.

Morphed pic of Rose ad Mark. 

After a couple cool ones, the Lewis' clan head out. Ozzie was making sure there were no icebergs.

Saturday started out with little wind and I was hoping we weren't going to have to drop the iron genny, but the winds picked up to about 18 and we had a great ride. 3SUM sailed great with no major problems except me bringing her in and wanting to show Mark what the dock looked like quickly and up close. No major damage. I need a new system for bringing her in. We have 4 foot finger piers and with a strong wind on the starboard stern and nothing to really keep her from moving about, it is quite difficult to get her in. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ok, I fixed it

I finally got around to fixing the throttle handle that came loose earlier when we were docking and had wind on our behind. Docking it was a bit tricky as I tried to keep the handle engaged. Looks like the screw in the handle on the backside came loose. A 5 minute repair (quite shorter for a competent person).

The rube rats a few boats down thought it was pretty funny that we had trouble getting into our slip while slamming down their Miller Lites (I suppose to keep under that 300 lb mark). The admiral was on the bow and made a comment as we were going in, "well at least we aren't afraid to go out when the wind gets above   5 knots."

I think Lee and I are going to have to double team and remove those huge nail that are sticking out of the bollards. What a stupid place for them! I need to do some line maintenance and fenderboarding to make tying up 3SUM easier.

Finished up and went to Publix to get some food and water and when I came back, 7 of St. Pete's finest squad cars were there. Some type of domestic on one of the boats as I came up. Thank God we didn'thave to put up with Disco Stu and his all night jam session from the apartment building 5 blocks away! "Woop woop. Give it up for duh Man! Who wants to PAHHH-TAAYY!!!! Give it up foe mah Man -

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Today's sail

This big old plane buzzed us on the way to MacDill AFB. 

This knucklehead in a big powerboat with his girlfriend he was trying to impress came right at our bow and at the last minute, veered and roared away. Tampa Bay is pretty big so he had plenty of room to avoid us. What a knob. 

Not a good deal of wind. Stayed around 5-8 k. We managed to snag a crabpot and that was the big excitement. We finally added the right shackle to the mainsail and had much better sailshape. Probably are going to need to get the hull cleaned as it was pretty filthy with marine growth.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bit of a Nasty 3.4 foot short Chop with 16 k gusting to 26 knots

The racers didn't seem to mind, but it seemed their markers kept moving - or we did. We had to sail through their fleet a couple times. 

After sailing, we had Cheese WOW! Not only was it delicious on a triscuit - it was also a Great Value! TheTriscuit B*ch enjoyed this. 
Paleta Payaso gives a Thumbs UP to Cheese Wow!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Privilege has its Rewards

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This Porsche Boxter has Minnesota plates, an Obama 2012 bumpersticker and parked in a handicapped spot. Definitely someone who is good friends with an autobody shop that fixes key scratches. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Today's Short Sail

View 2/17/12 1:23 PM in a larger map We got to St. Pete and entered into the "No Wind and Misting" zone. We bummed around the area, went over to Progress Field and watched Northwestern lose to West Virginia 4-2 and then headed back to 3Sum - the bird feces dumping ground. That's when we heard the horn and the "No Race" flag from St. Pete Sailing come down and the NOOD fleet take off. We followed them out and ran into minor issues with a fender and a batten, but other than that, had a nice quick sail until it started raining. We dodged a couple Fox 18 beach cats that were racing and these guys were good and fast. Really fast Even more fast when they rounded the mark and through up their spinnakers. It was quite impressive to see these people racing, but hard to see these people racing with the rain and all. We headed back in time to join all our other traffic jam friends trying to eek through Tampa.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Bandaid billboard on side of Hospital

This is kind of a creepy piece of artwork. Notice the bloody bandage.
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Map of our Sail today

View 2011-12-23 12:27 in a larger map I am not sure why it looks like we pulled up short like that on the map, but we did get back, I think.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our Sail today

Got to see some pretty cool big ships.

The Admiral jauntily steps to the bridge, takes command
 of the helm, ship and fleet. "Get my sailing jacket and
half of a sandwich - AND BE QUICK ABOUT IT OR I
Commander wanted no part of the mayo.

Topped off at 8.2 knots for the day. Kind of choppy so it 
killed our speed. Plus, we were lazy and didn't remove 
the lazy jacks or remove the topping lift.

A Ship behind Lisa's head.

These guys look like they have fun.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Captain Hook and

We finished sailing and I saw the van behind us sporting MN license plates and a Wayzata Yacht Club sticker. I went over and introduced myself to Bert Foster, Captain Hook himself of the paralympics team. They have a pretty cool website at:
Paralympic Team Captain Hook