Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I think you might be interested in this track: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=206895319684651496642.0004d6aa2b391ee747944 Created by Google My Tracks on Android. Name: 02/26/2013 6:54pm Activity type: walking Description: - Total distance: 5.00 km (3.1 mi) Total time: 56:16 Moving time: 378312:47:00 Average speed: 5.33 km/h (3.3 mi/h) Average moving speed: 0.00 km/h (0.0 mi/h) Max speed: 17.10 km/h (10.6 mi/h) Average pace: 11.26 min/km (18.1 min/mi) Average moving pace: 4541075.81 min/km (7308153.1 min/mi) Fastest pace: 3.51 min/km (5.6 min/mi) Max elevation: -6 m (-18 ft) Min elevation: -55 m (-182 ft) Elevation gain: 220 m (722 ft) Max grade: 12 % Min grade: 0 % Recorded: 02/26/2013 6:54pm

Friday, February 22, 2013

Pics from Last Night

Far Horizon 39 foot container boat

They want to tear this down and put up a new one called the Lens.

Drunks on a Boat

I stayed on the boat last night and it was quite a peaceful adventures until some @sswipes decided to get not just a little drunk, but staggering and swearing drunk to where they were falling down smashed. We are talking every third word, "f" this, and "f" that. Went on until they must have passed out at around midnight. I wish I had a firecracker I could have dropped down their hatch when I left for work 6 hours later.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's effing time

Guys across the way can only communicate via loud drunken laughing and the f word very 4th word.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Quite Depressing" - YouTube

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/k90uvFENVcY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

New slip neighbor I deemed Popeye

I stayed on the boat last night and met an interesting captain who piloted a boat down from Yankeetown. Talked with him for quite some time and he had some interesting tales that topped mine (I mentioned the time I almost did an accidental jibe!). He has ferried a number of boats from the Caribbean and told me the ins and outs of some of his experiences.

He said he came in on the weekend and on Saturday, it was pretty rough and there was an ambulance waiting onshore for one of the NOOD Regatta crew members. I guess it got ugly out there and they had a couple of boats capsized. Glad I didn't go out with my visitors from South Dakota as I think that would have been trouble especially without having the Admiral laid up with her bad leg.

 I'll be back there tomorrow and hopefully will talk with him some more because these type of individuals are far and few between in today's culture.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Why we bought 3SUM

First, trimarans can move a lot faster than a monohull of the same length. Speed is important in a cruising sailboat. Being capable of higher speeds allows you to cross long distances with fewer supplies. It also provides a measure of safety when dealing with bad weather.
Second, the storage space on a trimaran is greater than that of a comparable length monohull— on most designs the amas can be used for storage.
Third, multihulls are much more stable than monohulls— this is due to the greater beam afforded by the multiple hulls. The stability is provided by the amas, not by a heavy keel. In most trimarans additional stability is provided by a centerboard system.
Fourth, multihulls with a centerboard design can have a very shallow draft— which allows you to sail in waters not accessible by the deeper draft of a monohull. In a cruising boat, this can be important— trimarans are beachable, so you can go ashore on small islands that don't have marina facilities.
Finally, the ballast-free design of most modern trimarans makes for a much safer boat. Some of the newer multihulls are so buoyant that if you filled the hull and the amas with water they would still float.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ok, I fixed it

I finally got around to fixing the throttle handle that came loose earlier when we were docking and had wind on our behind. Docking it was a bit tricky as I tried to keep the handle engaged. Looks like the screw in the handle on the backside came loose. A 5 minute repair (quite shorter for a competent person).

The rube rats a few boats down thought it was pretty funny that we had trouble getting into our slip while slamming down their Miller Lites (I suppose to keep under that 300 lb mark). The admiral was on the bow and made a comment as we were going in, "well at least we aren't afraid to go out when the wind gets above   5 knots."

I think Lee and I are going to have to double team and remove those huge nail that are sticking out of the bollards. What a stupid place for them! I need to do some line maintenance and fenderboarding to make tying up 3SUM easier.

Finished up and went to Publix to get some food and water and when I came back, 7 of St. Pete's finest squad cars were there. Some type of domestic on one of the boats as I came up. Thank God we didn'thave to put up with Disco Stu and his all night jam session from the apartment building 5 blocks away! "Woop woop. Give it up for duh Man! Who wants to PAHHH-TAAYY!!!! Give it up foe mah Man -

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day Sail

View 01/01/2013 11:47am in a larger map All went smooth until we tried docking with the wind on our back end, and then the throttle arm came off in my hand. We had a heck of a time getting into the slip without bumping into anything. It was later discovered that the centerboard got kicked up so our steering was a bit iffy.

Docking Issues

The throttle came off in my hands and we think the centerboard was kicked up when trying to dock. The 12 knot blow on our starboard stern didn't help make it any easier.