Thursday, November 20, 2014

3SUM on the Hard and getting her bottom scraped and painted.

3SUMs bigger sister - a Gemini Legacy. 

The seas were angry that day my friends!

Crew member

Coppers nabbed a boat. 

I got Tony, the guy a couple boats down from me, his son and his son's friend to sail over to Sailor's Wharf. It could not have been a much crappier and colder day. Gusty winds and a washing machine like bay. We dropped sails and fired up the motor to get into Sailor's Wharf, only to have the engine constantly overheat right in front of the coast guard. Great. And me with the old numbers on from a few years ago since I was able to only peel down a couple of the tags. Anyway, got it there and they need extra $$$$ because of all the barnacles. I wish there was a better way of not having such a buildup of barnacles.

So, 3SUM is getting her bottom done, going to polish her up really nice, clean the sails and get the motor running. She sailed ok when we were out in the bay, but really needed to have her sails better trimmed, but I was working with a crew that had never sailed a multihull like 3SUM.

Radio Protocol and Etiquette

Radio Protocol and Etiquette

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Testing out a new way to post photos through Flickr

Blogger is a google product which hosts this blog. Flickr is owned by Yahoo - Google's competitor. Let's see if this will work:

Flickr pix of St. Pete

Five Must Have Cruising Items That Actually Sucked Sailing Chance | Sailing through the Caribbean | Sailing Chance | Sailing through the Caribbean

Capm Fixit needs to weigh in here.

Five Must Have Cruising Items That Actually Sucked Sailing Chance | Sailing through the Caribbean | Sailing Chance | Sailing through the Caribbean

3SUM Makes Yet another appearance on International TV

It is very evident that 3SUM is the featured item taken during the St. Pete Indy car racing series. The picture below shows 3SUM gently rocking back and forth in her slip. Notice the finger pointing in the bottom right hand of the picture showing  the f marina.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Using Butyl tape