Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cedar Key Small Boat Show Saturday and Sunday May 3 and May 4

The 29th Cedar Key small boat meet will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 3rd 5th, 2013, the first full weekend in May. It is completely informal. Tides and weather are still the only organization. There are no planned events, signups, or fees. 

Cedar Key is on the Gulf a hundred miles north of Tampa, a dozen miles south of the mouth of the Suwannee River. It's an isolated cape of offshore islands separated from the mainland by miles of oyster flats and salt marsh. The great logs of the cedar forests went to pencil makers before & after the Civil War. During the War it was an active Confederate port & railhead. Now its sea and shallows attract fishermen and naturalists, artists and writers. There are no traffic lights, fast food, or golf courses.


All shallow draft boats are welcome: canoes & kayaks, catboats & catamarans; trimarans, rowboats & sailing dinghies; scows, sharpies & sampans; punts, pirogues, prams---& pirates' yawlboats. 

Over the last 26 years, weather has usually been mostly sunny, mid to upper 80s in the day, water temperature upper 70s. If it blows, even at lower tides, it's splendid for rowers & paddlers. For sailing canoes Cedar Key is sublime. 

Wildlife observers note the food chain at Cedar Key is complete in the water & ashore. The nutrients flowing out with the clean Suwannee mix with oxygenated water riffling through the cape's islands & channels. Birds, bugs, fish, shellfish, turtles, alligators, marine mammals---all thrive. 

For information call the Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, 352 543 5600; Dave Lucas, 941 704 6736,, or me, 586 215 7060,


Meow is a 39 foot Leopard catamaran sailing in the Regatta del Sol. I took this pic before its departure for the race. Currently, it is in about the middle of the pack for the race and is quite a bit to the starboard side of the rhumb line. Based on the wind, I am wondering why the skipper has taken a line that far off. 

Regata del Sol 2013 - Race from St. Pete to Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Great Story. Compelling and rich.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New slip neighbors -and they are partying!

Great. 10:30 - I have a job and they have to make an EBT swipe.

Plus, windy as h3ll and 3Sums lines ar being tested. So, can't sleep and watching Miami Vice to Genesis. Guns, girls, drugs and great music.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boat in the Fog, New Zealand - from Trey Ratcliff at

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lynx - the Tall Ship that is Difficult to Get to or See

Check out the hours on the calendar. This ship is buried somewhere in a marina hidden by numerous barricades, buildings and bushes. I think I saw its mast, however.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dunnell, MN - Home of Guy who circumnavigated 3 times or more

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A Conversation with Roger Swanson | Sail Magazine - One Tough Minnesotan

A Conversation with Roger Swanson | Sail Magazine


A Conversation with Roger Swanson

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Roger Swanson at the helm, a position he mastered during his thousands of offshore miles  Rare is the sailing resume that boasts 217,928 miles, three circumnavigations, multiple voyages through the Arctic and Antarctic and the first east-west crossing of the Northwest Passage by an American-flagged sailboat. Pretty impressive for a Midwestern-born pig farmer-cum-electrical engineer-cum-entrepreneur, but no one ever accused Roger Swanson, of Dunnell, Minnesota, of mediocrity.
Swanson, who sadly passed away at the age of 81 on December 25, 2012 after a battle with cancer, became enamored with oceans during his three-year stint as a Navy officer; afterward, he raced Midwestern scows and began chartering in the Caribbean. In 1976 he bought a CSY 44 and five years later upgraded toCloud Nine, a 1975 Bowman 57 cutter-rigged ketch. Swanson sailed 207,428 miles aboardCloud Nine, including 80,000-plus miles with Gaynelle Templin, his second wife and consummate first mate. SAIL spoke with him shortly before his passing, and we extend our deepest condolences to his many friends and family. 
What were the hardest miles you’ve sailed?
My second trip to Antarctica…the goal was to cross the Antarctic Circle, and we got hammered on our way back, with a constant 35-75 knots on our nose. We were trying to re-enter the Antarctic Archipelago, but the high winds and constant ice forced us to remain hove-to for three days before the winds
Have you ever been scared?
In an emergency, I never had time to be scared. One time we were sailing in about 35 knots, 250 miles from Land’s End, England, and at 0400 hours, we lost steerage—we had broken the quadrant casting. We struggled to fix it, but the winds increased to 55 to 60-plus knots. A rogue wave hit us and dropped us on our port side, shattering our portholes. We were at close to 90 degrees, and we took on 500 gallons of water before she righted herself. We used cabin locker covers, a hand drill and sheet-metal screws to cover the opening, drilling right into the fiberglass. Hypothermia was a problem, but in the morning we fixed the steering and continued on.
You were run down by a freighter while at anchor, no?
It was at Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. The incoming freighter failed to drop a stern anchor and couldn’t stop. She ran over our anchor rodes and dismasted us. It was a tangled mess, but we jury-rigged the boat—turning her into a schooner—and sailed 2,000 miles to New Zealand. We got a lot of interesting comments as we entered various ports en route!
Cloud Nine contended with plenty of ice during her high-latitude sailing  
From the deck of Cloud Nine  What about ice?
On our first Northwest Passage attempt in 1994, a massive ice-pack started closing in on us. We tied up behind a huge grounded ice flow to protect ourselves from the closing pack, but for three or four days it was looking pretty grim, with the danger of both our ice barrier and ourselves being pushed ashore by increased pack pressure. We finally got a wind shift and escaped through five miles of five-tenths ice concentration. 
Was the NW Passage your Siren’s Song?
After our failed 2005 attempt, I said “never again,” but I’m a stubborn Swede from Minnesota. I got a call from Cambridge Bay [Canada] saying that [2007] might be a good ice year, so I called my 2005 crew and they were game. This time, we made it.
Is this your biggest sailing
It’s probably more like my most unique experience, but completing my first circumnavigation with my sons was a pretty memorable accomplishment.
Any advice for other cruisers?
If you want to go cruising, do it. If I had waited until I had the time and could afford it, I wouldn’t have left Minnesota.
Photos courtesy of Roger Swanson

Sunday, March 24, 2013

St. Pete Indy Car Grand Prix

I am pointing where our boat is located during an aerial shot of the St. Pete Grand Prix. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Boat learning

Villanova classes on 3SUM

Getting my education via computer in Essentials of Business Analysis through Villanova University. Interesting class and has quite a bit of useful information. Just need to keep on pace to get it all done. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Raucous Night on the Bay

Our next door slip neighbor and his family moved last month to another pier and we had a transit boat next door. Now, that boat is gone and am getting buffeted around a bit by this southeaseterly wind and no boat to block the wind. 3SUM is a pretty solid boat so it moves due to its lightness, but because of its extra hulls, is  pretty rock solid.

We had some people from up north want to have a looksie at 3SUM because they were interested in a Telstar and I said I would show them it as we might want to move up to a larger boat (her sister ship, Gemini). They came, drank my beer and one of the parting remarks was they heard it was comparable to a MacGregor. ??? A MacGregor is a monohull with huge freeboard, 75 plus motor and is more of a motorboat/sailboat. It would have been nice to have them say thanks or send a card thanking me for being kind enough to go out of my way to get them a parking permit and a few drinks and show them around, but nothing. When did people become so rude? No manners it seems.

They might have been upset since I would not take them out since it was pretty rough (gusts up to 28 and serious chop/swell. Plus, NOOD had a big regatta and a couple boats were towed in and had snapped masts and an ambulance took one of the sailors away. I didn't feel good about going out with people I don't know on my boat without my usual crew (the Admirial). Sorry, but I'm responsible and I make those decisions and I feel that was the only decision.