Monday, December 3, 2012

Boat show was sweet.

We had a great time this year as usual. Lisa was asked by Bob Bichin to help chuck a bunch of kookiness into the crowd as I sat in the lone chair we both shared. The party see,Ed a bit more under control this year compared to last year,

We blew off the Sat sail and headed out for an early Sunday sail. The night previous, I had to make a night run to a 24 hour Walgreens to pick up ear plugs for theAmiral and SnoreEez so she could sleep.

We started releasing the binding lines and I fired up the iron genny. Got an overheat shriek alarm, shut down, waited a few minutes and realized we should go. We decided to do some scrubbing to remove bird droppings and that is when we did a MOB Drill for the brush Lisa lost. It is still lost.

A good time was had by all.

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