Monday, December 26, 2011

Bandaid billboard on side of Hospital

This is kind of a creepy piece of artwork. Notice the bloody bandage.
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Short sail in the Bay

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Nice sail with little wind in the early going, but more at the end of the sail. I could have stayed out quite a bit longer, but we had to get home. Someday, I just want to keep sailing and not stop - kind of like Forest Gump when he took up running. We did stop at the local Publix down in St. Pete and made some sammichs since we didn't want to buy gas station quality grub at the marina. The marina sells a flavored tea that pushes the boundaries of taste. I think the brand is called Tradewinds and we have pretty much had all the varieties and not one of them tastes that good. The birds attacked 3Sum and she looked like a Taco Bell bathroom after Free Burritos night.

Map of our Sail today

View 2011-12-23 12:27 in a larger map I am not sure why it looks like we pulled up short like that on the map, but we did get back, I think.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Actions are more important than stuff

A Walk in the Woods by  Bill Bryson. Bill  is a travel writer and is one of my favorite. He is from Iowa and lived in England for 25 years and worked for the London Times, or some other such newspaper - it was written in English, I know that. He wrote this book and mentioned how he didn't like people who talked ad nauseum about their "stuff." He met a guy who droned on about how he selected his backpack and the fact it had a see-thru pouch so he could see stuff inside said pouch. I feel that same sentiment. Rather than talking about stuff, how about doing stuff?

Our Sail today

Got to see some pretty cool big ships.

The Admiral jauntily steps to the bridge, takes command
 of the helm, ship and fleet. "Get my sailing jacket and
half of a sandwich - AND BE QUICK ABOUT IT OR I
Commander wanted no part of the mayo.

Topped off at 8.2 knots for the day. Kind of choppy so it 
killed our speed. Plus, we were lazy and didn't remove 
the lazy jacks or remove the topping lift.

A Ship behind Lisa's head.

These guys look like they have fun.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gemini Catamaran Shell at Hunter Marine

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I took this pic of the sister boat of 3Sum being made. Hunter Marine is now the manufacturer of the Gemini and not Performance Cruising. We saw the new version at the St. Pete Boat Show and I like what Hunter had done and added some nice features and simplified some of the electronics, but it looked like a Hunter. Don't know what that means, but it looked like a Hunter. It felt like it was a bit more solid than 3Sum. The grabrails didn't pull out like on 3Sum.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hunter Marine Test Pool

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I was up in Alachua, FL and decided to stop by Hunter Marine. They are now making the Gemini Catamaran. This is a picture of what appears to be their test pool. Don't know if I was to be back there or not, but the security guard was busy blowing leaves away. It is pretty odd to see a 40 some foot sailboat on a landlocked pond that is about 100 yards across.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Adrift at Sea » Electrical System on Telstar #334

Adrift at Sea » Electrical System on Telstar #334

Dan's electrical system on his Telstar. Must take notes.

No reason for pic just bored standing in line at post office and decded to post this picture

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I was wasting inline at the post office to mail off an ebay package and saw this pic on my phone. I decided it needed to be shared with the world wide web.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Going under Bridges

We have never taken 3Sum under a bridge unless she was on her trailer doing 65. This might come in handy.

Sailnet Blog for this article.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Marinas around Tampa

West Florida Marinas around Tampa

We ran into this site that has info on marinas, anchorages and mooring fields around the ICW. Quite helpful.

Sailing to Sarasota for the holidays?

How about Marina Jacks in Sarasota? Mooring field is $18 and slip is $65.

3Sums Replacement some day.

View Boat Photos -

Nice wing on wing

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Near our top speed

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Drumbeat II . No takers at 20 g. needs lots of work and has a hot tub.

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Leopard cat at st pete

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Potntial catfight

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Lagoon 44

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Voyage 44

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Voyage 44

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Lagoon 44

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Friday, December 9, 2011

3Sum Goes out Tomorrow!

Our plan is a role-reversal - Lisa is going to back the boat out and I'll handle the docklines. Lisa will kick out the amas and raise the mainsail. Should be interesting. We may even try a MOB drill.

Guide to Sailing and Cruising Stories - Ships at Sea

Guide to Sailing and Cruising Stories - Ships at Sea

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

3Sum and Lisa taking the Lift on the shakedown cruise

I added this cheesy banjo music because the mike on my camphone made it sound like we were going through a Force 12 gale. When I shot this, we hit some gusts upwards of 26 knots, but no heeling. Actually, it was quite stable, fast and not too unnerving. It was the first time 3Sum had been on the water in about 2 years!

Mack Pack

Mack Pack

Clever little design.

Desperate Sailors

I found this on another of my favorite blogs and thought I would post it here as well. This is a site for exchanging goods and services for the cruising community. Desperate Sailors

Captain Hook and

We finished sailing and I saw the van behind us sporting MN license plates and a Wayzata Yacht Club sticker. I went over and introduced myself to Bert Foster, Captain Hook himself of the paralympics team. They have a pretty cool website at:
Paralympic Team Captain Hook

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sailing tomorrow

We're going to go to a boat showEverybody!We're going to a boat show!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

My gas station attendant

I went into the gas station to get a big slushie and newspaper. The guy behind the counter was on the phone waiting on the 3 customers in front of me maintaining absolutely total non-eye contact disdain for interrupting him. When he handed me my receipt to sign, again, no eye contact & severely engrossed in his non-English ranting conversation in his virtual world, I started asking him questions if he was sure the amount was right. Then, I asked how much would it cost for a lottery ticket and how fresh were the pickled eggs. I think it was the first time someone flipped me off in another language with their eyes.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 2011 sail

Total Distance: 18.15 k(20.9 mi) Total Time: 5:01:05 Moving Time: 4:03:41 Average Speed: 3.6k (4.2 mi/h) Average Moving Speed: 4.47k (5.1 mi/h) Recorded: Sun Nov 20 11:30:20 EDT 2011 Activity type: sailing

Sailing Tampa Bay


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Sailing tampa bay. beautiful day to be on the water

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lisa sailing in Tampa

We had little wind after about an hour and spun around a bit. We fired up the iron genny to compensate. Lisa did a nice job in hosing off the bird stains from the boat.

Another movie

I'm loving these block quotes in blogger.

Coming back into the slip.

a mernauco production


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This is a 1987 Irwin 68' that was a charter boat and was all over the Caribbean. It is being sold by Neptune Towing and is located in the St. Pete Marina. Someone is writing a book about it. Here is the info from website:

LANDLUBBERS "PERFECT STORM"The true story of Drumbeat II,  a long journey of scams, fraud and 33 months of  Neptune's legal battles.
 10 Years of never-ending log of victims, interviews, newspapers articles, pictures and court documents.

The 68' IRWIN Sailing Yacht named DRUMBEAT II, her previous owner Marcia Trinette Turner-Workman,
 the husband Dennis D. Workman and the caretaker Steven D. Huffman.

coming back to slip

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